Broad Ripple History
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Broad Ripple / Indianapolis Annexation History
The Town of Broad Ripple was started by the construction of the Central Canal in the early 1800s. Wellington (south of the canal) and Broad Ripple (on the north side of the canal) eventually combined. The Town of Broad Ripple was incorporated in 1894.

There were multiple attempts over the years to make the Town of Broad Ripple part of Indianapolis.

Annexation Attempt #1
In 1906 the Common Council of Indianapolis introduced an ordinance to annex the Town of Broad Ripple.

That ordinance failed to pass.

Annexation Attempt #2
In 1914 the Common Council of Indianapolis introduced an ordinance to annex the Town of Broad Ripple.

That ordinance passed.

Indianapolis Mayor Bell vetoed the ordinance and wrote a long letter to the Council accompanying his veto saying that the city could not take on the cost of maintaining the infrastructure of the area, as the roads, for example, are currently paid for by the County Commissioner.

See Mayor Bell's full letter to the Council below

Mayor's Veto
Annexation Attempt #3
In 1922 the Common Council of Indianapolis, for the third time, introduced an ordinance to annex the Town of Broad Ripple.

There was an official remonstrance against the annexation by the citizens of Broad Ripple (see section below). That ordinance passed and became law. The Town of Broad Ripple was no more.

The newspapers report on many legal attempts to stop the annexation. It appears that by October 1922 the annexation was complete.

The full text of the 1922 annexation ordinance below

1922 Ordinance
Broad Ripple Park area added
In 1947 the Common Council of Indianapolis introduced an ordinance to annex the area of Broad Ripple Park. That ordinance passed.

See a map of that area and the full text of the 1947 annexation ordinance below

1947 Annexation Text

Broad Ripple / Indianapolis 1922 Annexation remonstration documentation
How the citizens of the Town of Broad Ripple tried to stop the 1922 annexation

1922 Remonstration

Maps of the Annexations
Period and Current maps below


Street names changes in Broad Ripple
Notes from our research below

Street Names